Register Your Company

Detailed Package Comparison

HR Admin BasicHR Admin CompleteProjects & HR CompleteEnterprise
Structure of the Company
Organization Units Structure
Custom Types of Organzation Units
Hierarchy of Organization Units
Hierarchy of Organization Unit Members and Managers
Hierarchy of Operational Subordination
Multi-Company Organization
International Multi-Company Organization
Employees and Contractors
Labor Contracts
Service Partners
Employee History
Skills and Levels of Seniority
Employee Periodic Actions (health checks, etc)
Fixed Schedule and Overtime
Full-Time Schedule
Part-Time Schedule
Overtime Approval Workflow
Overtime Compensation with Free Time
Export Overtime for Payment
Flexible Schedule, Presence
Weekly Schedule Templates
Employee Schedule based on Templates
Selectable Weekend Days
Attendance: Work Start, End, Breaks
Export Attendance Report
Data Capture from Access Control Systems
Approval Workflow
Define Custom Absence Types
Management of Available Vacation
Month Closing Process
Standard Vacation Policy vs Employee Negotiated
Available Vacation Loyalty Policies
Labor Contract Suspension
Team Views
Manager View on the Team
Schedule and Attendance View within the Team
Planned Activities View within the Team
Timesheet View within The Team
Employee Documents Storage and Preparation
Electronic Employee Documents Storage
Generate Documents Based on Templates
Bulk Generate Documents
Documents Visibility based on Confidentiality Levels
Work Location Planning
Work from Office, Home or Client
Configurable Approval Workflow
Visibility inside the Team
Configurable Office Location Map
Desk Reservation
(soon available) Parking Place Reservation
Employee Communication
Personalized Messages to Employees, with or without Attachments
Internal Climate/Opinion Surveys
Nominal or Anonymous Answers
Message Read Confirmation
Push Notification in Oraroo Mobile App
Business Travel
Business Travel Workflow - Organize and Approvals
Budget Approvals
Predefined Document Templates
Per Diem Calculation
Expense Reports
Expense Reports Workflow
Capture Expenses using Phone Camera
Customizable Expense Types
Customizable Expense Documents
Tracking Expenses on Projects
Automatic Update of Exchange Rates
Re-Invoicing Expenses with Configurable Markup
Expenses OCR
Expense registration by Email Forward
Export to Accounting System
Generate Payment files for Expense Report Settlement
Employee Performance Reviews
Setting up Company-Wide Objectives
Configurable Evaluation Period
Managers can assign Specific Objectives and Targes to Subordinates
Formal Acceptance of Objectives by Employees
Employee Self-Evaluation
Third Party Evaluators, from Inside or Outside the Company
Define Objectives based on Oraroo calculated indicators per employee
Continuous Feedback from other Team Members
Manager Visibility of all related Feedback before reaching a Decision
Clients, Projects, Project Activities
Client Data Automatically Retrieved from Public Sources
Planning Projects on Activities
Planning Staff on Projects and Activities
Project Dashboard: Achievements, Risks, Issues, Next Steps
Recurring Assignments
Assignments on Several Projects, with Effort Limit or Schedule Percentage
Configurable Access Rights
Registration and Approval of Effort
Duration or Interval-based
On Project or Project Activity
Approval from Manager and/or Project Manager
Manager Ability to adjust Invoiceable Duration
Notifications and Monitoring of Timesheet Registration Delays
Tiemsheet Details Export, per Project or entire Company
Contracts for Projects (part of Invoicing Option)
Fixed Price, Time and Material, Subscriptions
Pricing based on Time or Achieved Results
Service and Activities Catalogue at Company Level
One-off Invoicing, based on Schedule or Periodic per Service
Assignment-based or Seniority-based Pricing
Tiered-Tariffing based on Time or Achieved Results
Special Pricing of Overtime
Contract Covenants Management
Offer/Contract Pipeline
Generate Contract Documents or Offers based on Templates: DOC or PPT
Contract Invoicing (with Invoicing Option)
Fiscal or Proforma Invoices
Manual or Automated Invoicing based on Schedule
Invoice Review/Approval Workflow
Management of Invoice Serial Number Ranges
Currency Exchange at Invoicing, using Publicy Available Exchange Rates
Invoice Cancellation or Storno
Advance Invoicing, Progressive Storno of Advance on Service Invoice
Customized Invoice Templates, per Company or Contract
Automatic Delivery of Invoices to Clients via Email
Custom Fields
Applicable on Employee or Organization Units
Applicable on Projects, Clients or Project Assignments
String, Date, Numbers, Flags or List of Values
Ability to Filter in List Views
Ability to Export to XLS
Use in integrations with External Systems
Custom Workflows
Employee Onboarding/Off-Boarding/Promotions
New Project/Customer, or deal with Specific Events
Customizable Tasks
Task Assignment: Nominal or By Role
Data Fields Visibility/Modification Access
Dependent or Parallel Tasks
Other Employee Specific Triggers
Periodic Execution
Data Export and Import
XLS export for any Dataset
XLS Import for main Datasets
Standard Export for Salary Calculation
Customized Export for Salary Calculation
Predefined Timeshets Exports, as Invoice Annex
Import XLS Templates, with Mapping of External System Values
OData API for Oraroo integration with other Company systems
PowerBI Advanced Reporting Package
Dedicated API to integrate Oraroo workflows with external systems